
Defines interfaces for registering functions.


A decorator that adds an async_register value to the coroutine it decorates. async_register is a coroutine that will register the function as an RPC.

An RPC is a function in a script that iTerm2 can invoke in response to some action, such a a keypress or a trigger. You use this decorator to register a coroutine as an RPC.

Every RPC must have a unique signature. The signature is composed of two parts: first, the name, which comes from the name of the coroutine being decorated; second, the names of its arguments. The order of arguments is not important.

The decorated coroutine will have a async_register value that you must call to complete the registration. async_register takes one required argument, the Connection. It also takes one optional argument, which is a timeout. The timeout is a value in seconds. If not given, the default timeout will be used. When waiting for an RPC to return, iTerm2 will stop waiting for the RPC after the timeout elapses.

Do not use default values for arguments in your decorated coroutine, with one exception: a special kind of default value of type iterm2.Reference. It names a variable that is visible in the context of the invocation. It will be transformed to the current value of that variable. This is the only way to get information about the current context. For example, a value of iterm2.Reference(“id”) will give you the session ID of the context where the RPC was invoked. If the RPC is run from a keyboard shortcut, that is the ID of the session that had keyboard focus at the time of invocation.

That’s complicated, but an example will make it clearer:


app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)

async def split_current_session_n_times(
        session_id=iterm2.Reference("id"), n=1):
    session = app.get_session_by_id(session_id)
    for i in range(n):
        await session.async_split_pane()

# Remember to call async_register!
await split_current_session_n_times.async_register(connection)

A decorator that prepares a function for registration as a session title provider. Similar to RPC().

A session title provider is a function that gets called to compute the title of a session. It may be called frequently, whenever the session title is deemed to need recomputation. Once registered, it appears as an option in the list of title settings in preferences.

It is called when any of its inputs change. This will only happen if one or more of the inputs are Reference() references to variables in the session context.

It must return a string.

Note that the async_register function is different than in the RPC() decorator: it takes three arguments. The first is the Connection. The second is a “display name”, which is the string to show in preferences that the user may select to use this title provider. The third is a string identifier, which must be unique among all title providers. The identifier should be a reverse DNS name, like As long as the identifier remains the same from one version to the next, the display name and function signature may change.

See also

Example “George’s Title Algorithm


async def upper_case_title(auto_name=iterm2.Reference("autoName?")):
    if not auto_name:
        return ""
    return auto_name.upper()

# Remember to call async_register!
await upper_case_title.async_register(
        display_name="Upper-case Title",

A decorator (like RPC()) that registers a custom status bar component.

See StatusBarComponent for details on what a status bar component is.

The coroutine is called when any of its inputs change. This will only happen if one or more of the inputs are Reference() references to variables in the session context.

The coroutine must take an argument named knobs that will contain a dictionary with configuration settings.

It may return a string or an array of strings. In the case that it returns an array, the longest string fitting the available space will be used.

Note that unlike the other RPC decorators, you use async_register() to register it, rather than a register property added to the coroutine.


component = iterm2.StatusBarComponent(
    short_description="Session ID",
    detailed_description="Show the session's identifier",
    exemplar="[session ID]",

async def session_id_status_bar_coro(
    # This status bar component shows the current session ID, which
    # is useful for debugging scripts.
    return session_id

async def my_status_bar_click_handler(session_id):
    # When you click the status bar it opens a popover with the
    # message "Hello World"
    await component.async_open_popover(
            "Hello world",
            iterm2.Size(200, 200))

await component.async_register(

A decorator that prepares a function for registration as a context menu provider. Similar to RPC().

A context menu provider is a function that gets called when the user selects an item in a context menu. The context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click in a terminal window.

The return value is ignored.

  • connectionConnection

  • display_name – Name that appears in the context menu.

  • unique_identifier – Globally unique identifier for this provider (e.g., “”)

  • timeout – Max number of seconds to wait, or None to use the default.

class Reference(name)

Defines a reference to a variable for use in the @RPC decorator.

See also

Indices and tables