Running a Script ================ There are many ways to run a script: 1. From the Scripts menu. 2. At the command line. 3. Auto-run scripts launched when iTerm2 starts. 4. With an interactive interpreter called a REPL. 5. From the Open Quickly window. Scripts Menu ------------ The `Scripts` menu contains all the scripts in `$HOME/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts`. The following files are included: * Any file ending in `.py`. These correspond to "basic" scripts. * Any folder having an `itermenv` folder within it. These correspond to "full environment" scripts. * AppleScript files, which are not the concern of this document. To run a script from the menu, simply select it and it will run. Command Line ------------ Your machine probably has `many instances of Python `_ installed in different places. Each installation of Python may have different modules installed. Python determines the path to its modules by examining the location of the `python3` executable. For this reason, it's important to use the right `python3` so that your script's dependencies (such as the `iterm2` module) can be satisfied. The standard iTerm2 Python installation is at `~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/iterm2env/versions/*/bin/python3`. This is the so-called "Basic" environment. If you create a script with the "Full Environment" its instance of Python will be in `~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts/YourScript/iterm2env/versions/*/bin/python3`. Internally, iTerm2 runs a basic script by invoking: .. code-block:: python ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/iterm2env/versions/*/bin/python3 Scripts are stored in `$HOME/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts`. Make sure you don't have a `PYTHONPATH` environment variable set when you run your script. If you prefer to use Python as installed by Homebrew, you can install modules yourself using the Homebrew-installed `pip3`, which should be in your path. At a minimum, install the `iterm2` module. .. note:: iTerm2 creates the `ApplicationSupport` symlink to `Application Support` because shell scripts may not have spaces in their paths. If you'd like your script to launch iTerm2, you'll need to use pyobjc. To install it: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install pyobjc Then put this in your script: .. code-block:: python import AppKit bundle = "com.googlecode.iterm2" if not AppKit.NSRunningApplication.runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier_(bundle): AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication_("iTerm") The `iterm2.run_forever` or `iterm2.run_until_complete` call will block until it is able to make a connection, so you don't need to add any logic that waits for the launch to complete. Just try to connect right away. Auto-Run Scripts ---------------- If you'd like your script to launch automatically when iTerm2 starts, move it to `$HOME/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts/AutoLaunch`. REPL ---- iTerm2 also offers a *REPL*: a *Read-eval-print loop*. This is an interactive Python interpreter where you can experiment with the scripting API. You can enter commands and immediately see their results. It's available from the menu item `Scripts > Open Python REPL`. It will open a window with an interactive Python interpreter. The REPL uses the `apython` script provided by aioconsole_ which extends Python so that you can use `await` without having to put it inside an `async` function. In other words, you don't need to write `iterm2.run_until_complete(main)` to launch a `main` function when in the REPL. Instead, a typical REPL session would begin with: .. code-block:: python import iterm2 connection=await iterm2.Connection.async_create() app=await iterm2.async_get_app(connection) When the REPL starts it prints a sample script so that you don't need to remember this. You can just copy-paste it into the interpreter. Once you've got an `app` the rest is easy :). .. _aioconsole: Open Quickly ------------ Enter the name of your script in the Open Quickly window to launch it. .. image:: open_quickly.png Continue to the next section, :doc:`daemons`. ---- -------------- Other Sections -------------- * :doc:`/index` * :doc:`index` * :doc:`example` * Running a Script * :doc:`daemons` * :doc:`rpcs` * :doc:`hooks` * :doc:`troubleshooting` Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`